I am proud to present my very first reader post.  My dear friend, Abby, went to see Linda Foley, an Applied Kinesiologist (aka Muscle Tester).  Linda was recommended to my by another friend who swears by her.  I am in the process of scheduling an appointment, so I will have something to add to this lovely post shortly.  In the meantime…. Here is Abby’s experience.  Enjoy!


I’d been feeling overwhelmed and unable to shake it. Carmen suggested i see an applied kinesiologist. Applied kinesiology (AK) is a branch of chiropractic medicine. The theory is that every organ dysfunction and emotion is accompanied by a weakness in a corresponding muscle. Correct the muscle’s imbalance and you balance the emotion. “I start by doing muscle testing,” Linda explained when we connected on the phone, “Your body has memorized certain emotional patterns. I help you create new ones that work better for you.” If you’ve ever been to a chiropractor and been asked to resist while they manipulate your body, you’ve encountered a variation on muscle testing. AK takes this practice one step further and uses it to diagnose and treat the root causes of pervasive emotional disturbances. I fueled up for my visit with Linda with some macaroons at Europane bakery in Pasadena and then shot up to her offices, a few rooms in a small bungalow on a corner in Altadena. I hesitated at the door, not sure what to expect, when the door opened and there she was. Linda radiates a solid competence, something like a cross between a nurse and an aerobics instructor. After I filled out a medical form, she led me into a room and had me sit on a chair. Then she put me through a series of positions, mostly involving making circles with my forefinger and thumb, twisting my head to the right or left and pressing against her. “Just as i suspected,” she informed me, “You’ve got an electrolyte imbalance and a deficiency of RNA. Let’s see what you need to get you back on track.” I held various bottles and packages while she checked my pulse and counted. When we were finished she pressed a bottle of RNA tablets into my hand with instructions to chew four of them three times a day and package of a powdered electrolyte sports drink mix, assuring me that my seesawing emotions would quickly right themselves. I’ll see her again in a few weeks to tweak my prescription and retest my muscles. Once I’ve been balanced, we’ll work on building new, healthier patterns, teaching my body new responses that will help me deflect the tendency to lapse into old, negative patterns.

To make an appointment with Linda call: 818 470 3990 or contact her via email at lindafoleysk@ca.rr.com, lindafoleysk@comcast.net