Ask and It Is Given
December 4, 2009

Ask and It Is Given, Learning to Manifest Your Desires – by Esther & Jerry Hicks, The Teachings of Abraham


I’m sure, by now, most of you have heard of The Law of Attraction, it’s what The Secret was based on.  I’d seen The Secret quite a while ago, I’d also heard of Esther and Jerry Hicks a while back but never really did anything more than listen to a short cd given to me by a friend.  Recently, a few of my girlfriends started reading their books and, so I decided it was time to explore deeper the foundation of these teachings.

I talk a lot about going to see practitioners that can help support you in your wellness journey, but I realize that is not always feasible.  Reading a book is an easy to way to gain some insight and see things from a different perspective.  You never know what’s going to trigger that a-ha moment.  I love to read.  I read every night before bed, even if it’s just a sentence or two, it’s enough to keep me in a state of curiosity about life.  Even when what I’m reading is a little less than promoting higher consciousness (yes, I read all the Twilight books).  But, it’s about having fun, and finding joy- which is one of the things that Ask and It Is Given is really about.  It’s about doing whatever it is that makes you happy.  They really state it in a way that is plain and simple- there is nothing more important than your happiness.  Wow.  Even though I knew that somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind, it really hit home for me how my life would and could completely change if I truly lived it from that perspective.

The basics of The Law of Attraction are simply that what you focus on expands. So, if you focus on being happy- your happiness will expand.  And the converse is true, if you focus on how things are not working, then things not working is what will be drawn to you.   Pretty simple, right?  Not initially!  For a lot of us, this requires us to retrain our whole way of thinking.  Have you noticed how easy it is to focus on what’s wrong?  Especially these days?

Maybe you’re one of the rare few that is able to focus continually on what you want and life is working.  Or maybe you feel like you always focus on what you want and yet you still don’t have those things so you think that Law of Attraction is a crock of B.S.  Well, they have a response to that, which really resonated with me- it’s the emotion you feel when you are projecting that want into the universe.  When you say you want a new car, what is the emotion behind it? More often than not, you’re feeling the lack of a new car.  So, essentially, that, is what is expanding- a lack of a new car.  That made so much sense to me!

I’m assuming your next question is, well, how the heck am I supposed to not feel the lack of a new car when I don’t have it yet?  Practice, practice, practice.  Practice listening to your emotions.  When you feel a negative emotion, you are not aligned with your highest self, they say.  So, it’s not a bad thing to feel, well… bad.  It’s a great signal that you need to make a mental shift.

The book is really great at addressing this and many other similar questions in great detail.  I definitely recommend it for anyone who’s had a difficult time achieving something they want. Or even learning how to look at our emotions as signals that we can use to get ourselves back to a place of feeling empowered.

Click here to purchase Ask And It Is Given, Learning to Manifest Your Desires.


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