If you’ve ever asked for a sign and then gotten it, you know that validation feels like magic. That’s what’s at the core of The Casual Coven and how it came to be. When my mom died suddenly I was in shock. But I was also at peace. Part of that was because I could feel her still communicating with me. It was as if now that we didn’t have a physical body separating us, we could be closer than ever. I no longer had to wait till I had some time in my rushed day to call her.

When my dad passed away twenty-two months later, it was not a shock but in some ways it was harder because we were less complete in our relationship. I was surprised that he was sending me so many signs. His came mostly as small brown birds, boats, and triple 333’s.

At first I didn’t feel as if they were together yet. I don’t pretend to know how it all works over there but I wondered if they would find each other.

Those months were weird. Having lost both parents in my 40’s, and being an only child, made me feel really alone in the world. It was hard to transition into this new identity as someone who’s parents aren’t alive. While I felt peace when my mom passed, I felt a lot of anger after my dad. I think it was that struggle to understand that they were BOTH gone.


More Transitions


As all this death was in the background I was also going through some transitions in my business. I tend to have a lot of ideas and try to do too much but up until that point, hadn’t brought any of the ideas to completion. A couple of weeks before my birthday I decided I need to follow through with something.

Life clearly doesn’t wait and I was sick of postponing my future.

I turned to the universe for answers.

I had three business ideas ruminating. I asked for a sign for which ever one would be the easiest for me, would help the most people, and be the most successful.

I asked for one of these signs:

  1. Seven crows
  2. A purple python
  3. Two white elephants 

Now I know you might be saying, “Gee, Carmen, those are pretty specific!” Well, I didn’t want to be questioning the sign. And I knew the Universe would work it out.


The Magic


My dad took his last breath two months before my birthday. I was fragile but I knew I was ready for some healing. My lifelong friend, Sheri, and I went for a birthday breathwork and sound bath at Be Crystal Clear.

The breathwork was intense. I could finally feel that my parents were together. That gave me a sense of relief. Within this little bit of space I was able to find a moment of gratitude. I thanked them for being my parents and the life they gave me. That also felt like relief.

Magic happens in the space of relief. It was here that I had clarity about which business idea to pursue.

Idea number three just felt fun and after the last two years I really needed some fun.

When the class was over I went to the bathroom, which by the way I had never been in, and I see this…


I was stunned. The timing of it. The clarity of it!

And so The Casual Coven was born.


That feeling of connection and magic is everything to me. That’s what this whole club is about… you knowing how frickin’ magical you are.

And so it is!