How to Communicate with the Angels
May 3, 2020

Have you been wanting to create a deeper connection with angels? Sometimes it might feel that only “special” people or people with gifts have the ability to do this. The truth is that we all have the ability to communicate with the angels. Yes, a two-way conversation. It may not be exactly like talking to your bestie on the phone (though sometimes it can be), but you can get clear messages if you know what to look for.

#1 basic of talking to your angels

Angels want to help you. They want to help all of us. But they will not interfere, unless there is an extreme emergency, without being asked. The most basic rule of getting in touch with your angels is letting them know that you want to. Ask them for guidance, signs, intervention. By asking you open the door to unconditional support from them.

how angels communicate

There are many ways angels reach out to us. It can also depend on the specific angel you are communicating with. But for the most part there are some simple signs you can look out for to know that your angels have heard you.

When you are starting to look for signs you may be inclined to dismiss them or see them as simple coincidence. I am here to tell you that there is no such thing as coincidence. Believe that a sign was sent. The more you practice believing and seeing these messages for what they are, the more you will feel aligned. This is the magic of the universe. This is the magic you create.


Seeing white feathers is a sign of the angels. There are times where I have found myself driving in the car asking the angels help with something and a white feather will fall on my windshield. As with all signs, angels find a way to bring it to you at the exact right moment.


“Find a penny pick it up, all day long you have good luck.” Coins are another sign angels will send to let you know they are helping. Coins can often signify abundance. I used to collect the coins I found before I knew they were messages. Now I see them, take in the message and then leave it for the next person that needs the sign. Unless it’s a quarter or bigger, then I definitely take it.


Do you ever see an image of a wing or an angel in the clouds? That is absolutely a sign from the angels. I have a friend that always sees angels in clouds. She sends me pictures. It’s like a double confirmation. She gets the message and then she always seems to pass it along to me at exactly a moment when I need it most.


Seeing statues, pictures or the likeness of angels is a confirmation. One day we were going to a hiking trail, Phil and I were talking about how little parking there always is and that it would take a miracle to find a spot but we would try anyway. Joaquin was clearly listening in the backseat. Totally unprompted, he starts asking the angels for help with parking. Miraculously we find the most perfect parking spot. When we all go out of the car we see it. A statue of an angel just sitting right next to the spot. I explained to Joaquin that was a sign from the angels that they were listening to him and helping him. Yes, it’s ok to ask for small frivolous things like parking spots lol!

literal signs

Alternatively, the angels can create a very clear message. I had been debating getting these rain boots. It doesn’t rain much in California so I don’t own a lot of rain gear. The year before we had gotten a lot of rain and I regretted not getting any rain boots and ruining some of my favorite shoes. It’s silly, but these are some of the things that take space up in my head. I checked the weather. It said it would be 70 degrees all week. I said fine I won’t get them. Got in my car, loosely thinking about it still. And then I drive by a truck that has written on it:

“Don’t wait for it to rain!”

When I got to my next location I got the boots. In the weeks to come it rained enough that it totally made it worth it to me.

anything you ask for

If you are a little more skeptical, or need things to be super duper clear, you can ask for a specific sign that you will understand. It could be a conversation between two people that you overhear or someone making some random reference that is clearly for you. You can ask for something specific, too, like pink flowers, two hummingbirds, or even apple pie. It may not be the actual thing but it could be a picture of it or someone mentioning it. I had a friend was wondering if a guy was into her so she asked to be sent yellow hearts. She was scrolling through Instagram and voila, a yellow heart was there.

signs can be anything

A sign can be anything. All that matters is that you needed a sign and you got one. The angels helped get you the message you needed. It doesn’t matter how it appeared, just that it did. Let the message sink into your heart. It’s in these types of signs that I feel the universe really is a magical place.

What are some signs you’ve received when you’ve needed it most?


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