I had to stop watching the news for the most part. It was one of the best things I did for my sanity. Every week seems to bring some new wave of stress. At first it was everything closing down, and then we had homeschool, and now we are heading into pandemic fatigue wondering when all this will be over.

After my coronavirus anxiety went through the roof in the first two weeks, I implemented practices that have helped me stay calm and content. I did this because I found myself numbing out instead of processing. Even though that was necessary on the front end I knew that when I do that the stress just builds up.

Finding consistent practices helped me feel calm and steady in an authentic and lasting way. My anxiety and fear are minimal and manageable now. Overall, I feel happy, at ease, and very grateful. Some of the practices are daily, and some come and go as needed.

Everything on The Casual Coven will be helpful in some way but I wanted to curate a category for this time specifically.


My Daily Practices



Before I open my eyes I pray. I do two short prayers. Sometimes I do mantras but these days prayer feels better.

  1. The Abundance Prayer from Tosha Silver’s book, It’s Not Your Money. I find that this prayer has helped me stay out of any scarcity mindsets and has helped manifest unexpected opportunities.
  2. I Have Time from Christiane Northrup’s book, Goddesses Never Age.

Then as I get up from bed, slowly, I repeat, “thank you thank you thank you…..” until my feet touch the floor.

approximately 2 minutes

Get Ready

It really helps to have a routine. It felt so amazing to stay in my jammies at first but then it started to make me feel lazy. Now I wash my face, do a tiny bit of makeup if I’m seeing people on Zoom, and put on some clothes. Granted I’m putting on leggings, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt, but it’s enough to make me feel like I am dressed for the day.

While I am brushing my teeth or any time I wash my hands I say the Hail, Mary prayer at least two times.

approximately 10 minutes


Before I have my morning tea, I step outside and draw the sunshine into my being. This is a super simple movement that helps me feel like I’m not cooped up. Sun energy is warm, productive, and renewing. I pull it into my sacral, solar plexus, and third eye chakra.

approximately 4 minutes


Have a Cup and Start the Day

I make my tea. I like something herbal, or mushroom tea for immunity. If I do mushroom tea then I add collagen. I look at my schedule for the day and set simple completable goals. If I have time to write before calls, I do a little.

approximately as long as I can



Eating home made meals with my family has been one of the wonderful parts about staying safe at home for me. Do what works for you as far as food, but I recommend sitting and being as leisurely as you can.

approximately as long as I can


I’ll be honest, going out has felt tougher when the days are busy. I am making an effort to get outside and move my body in some way most days.

approximately 15 minutes up to an hour


When everything is done I look forward to plopping on the couch and relaxing. Watching mindless television has never felt so good. I get ready for bed and take some time to read in bed before sleep.

approximately 2-3 shows, 30 minutes for reading

Intention for Sleep

I either read something with a positive mindset, set an intention for sleep or the next day, or simply say thank you.

approximately 2 minutes


It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it makes you feel better. Being flexible is also key. Things aren’t going to go how you expected and that’s ok. A tool kit of practices makes it easy to switch from plan A to plan B. Having mental health daily rituals are the best self-care you can give yourself.


What are some of the practices you’ve been using to get you through this time?