We all want that magic pill. The pill that takes away all our problems and makes us feel empowered.

Without a hangover.

When you feel anxious, overwhelmed or just plain old cranky, how do you handle it? Typically, we complain, yell, isolate or try to dull the feelings with food, cigarettes, booze, tv, social media, etc.

I love to talk about different ways to manage stress. If you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed my series #CarmensStressBusters. I have hundreds of stress relieving techniques. Of the hundreds, I have a top 5.

EFT aka Tapping is at the top of that list.


How Does (EFT) Tapping Work?

When you first see it done, Tapping looks a little odd. You are literally tapping on these seemingly random parts of your face and body. These places are not random though. They are acupuncture points. In acupuncture, we place needles in the points to activate them.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aka Tapping uses tapping on the acupuncture points as a way to activate them. Activating these points causes the brain to calm down.

It stops the stress response from happening.

The symptoms of the stress response are those sensations of anxiety, rapid heartbeat, tight chest and shoulders, the knot in your stomach, and pain. These sensations will start to dissipate as you do the Tapping points while saying the things you are stressed about.

This type of relaxation technique is easy and natural. It’s a healthy outlet for stress that doesn’t just cover up the symptoms.

When I first heard about Tapping I was hesitant to try it because it seemed weird. I also didn’t know how hard to tap or how much. There was a lot of “I don’t know how,” and then when I finally tried it, it blew my mind.


When and What You Can Use (EFT) Tapping For

I talk about my anxiety a lot. One of the main anxieties I have is with public speaking.

This week, I had the honor of officiating a wedding for one of my dearest friends, Vanessa. Starting the night before I was super nervous. This is WAY better than I used to be. In the past, I would have had anxiety for at least a couple of months.

I did some Tapping in bed for about five minutes. I felt better and was able to sleep without any of those anxiety dreams. The next morning I was a little nervous again so I Tapped while I was in the shower.

I was completely calm by the time I was done. The wedding was beautiful and I was cool as a cucumber.

I have used Tapping on myself and with my clients for countless situations. This is a short list of the types of things you could use (EFT) Tapping for:

  • panic attacks
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • irritability
  • PMS
  • test anxiety
  • overwhelm
  • inability to focus
  • sickness of any kind
  • pain
  • insomnia
  • traffic
  • productivity
  • creativity
  • work stress
  • money issues
  • relationship problems
  • dating stress
  • parental stress

I could go on and on. Basically, if there is anything you would like to feel differently about, Tapping can help you find peace about your particular situation.

The beauty of all this, too, is that when you remove the stress response in your body, you are more open to your own inner wisdom. You will feel clarity instead of that overwhelm and frustration.


How To Tap

The first step to learning how to Tap is learning the points. I drew you a picture of the points (yes, I am fully aware that art is not my forte lol. If you’d like to draw a good image of this for me I will gladly use it and give you credit.)


  1. Side of Hand aka Karate Chop Point
  2. Eyebrow
  3. Side of Eye
  4. Under Eye
  5. Under Nose
  6. Chin
  7. Collarbone
  8. Under Arm
  9. Top of Head



For this particular technique, I feel the easiest way to learn is through video so I made a video you can watch to learn the points.

YouTube video


Next week I will post a Tapping video which you will be able to follow along with. You will be amazed at how the stress seems to disappear.

Let me know in the comments if you are interested in trying Tapping or if you have before.