Lovely lemons

 Oh how I long to have a bountiful lemon tree…  I have a friend with the loveliest lemon tree who was generous enough to share a whole bag of lemons with me this weekend.  I am so grateful for this gift.  I love the way my fruit plate looks when it’s full of lemons, and I actually use lemons almost every day to benefit my health.

Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is such a powerful anti-oxidant and decreases inflammation.  Lemons can also benefit circulation, and you can even use them as a disinfectant because of their antibacterial properties.

One of the tidbits I find most interesting about lemons is that they are a great way to help control your cholesterol.  Lemons are incredibly detoxifying and in Chinese medicine we say they help soothe the liver.

The liver, which is responsible for filtering toxins in our body, is where 80% of cholesterol is made.  It’s built with apolipoprotein and triglycerides. The limonin in lemons actually slows down the production of both apolipoprotein and triglycerides, thereby controlling your unhealthy cholesterol and supporting your liver.  Your liver health is so important.  Everything we put in our mouths and that touches our skin gets filtered through the liver.  If the liver isn’t working well, toxins will build up, which can cause unpleasant skin issues, weight gain, and even cancer, and diabetes.

So, if your cholesterol is a problem or you just want to improve your liver function, add some lemon to your life.  You can use it in your salad instead of heavy dressings, or  squeeze it on your steamed veggies.

You can also try this natural remedy:  every morning squeeze one half of a fresh lemon into a glass of room temperature water and drink it on an empty stomach.

Voila, happy liver!