Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian prayer that “cleans” mistakes or imbalances. The popularization of the prayer comes from a therapist, Dr. Hew Len, who went into a hospital for mentally ill people. He would sit every day. Not visiting the patients directly. Instead, while being with their files, he would say the ho’oponopono prayer. Miraculously, the patients eventually healed.

I know this is a hard story to believe but it’s a beautiful story and I highly recommend the book, Zero Limits, which talks about the magic of Ho’oponopono at length.


The Intention

Saying Ho’oponopono comes from the understanding that if something is in your reality then you are an energetic part of it. If you can heal the part of you that is participating in creating the situation, then you not only heal yourself, but also the situation.

Before I say the prayer, I say to myself, “whatever part of me is contributing to this situation…” and then I say the prayer:

I’m sorry.

Forgive me.

I love you.

Thank you.

The most dramatic thing this prayer has helped me heal were my gallstones. Before I knew they were gallstones I was in excruciating pain. I was resisting the pain, which made it worse. Saying Ho’oponopono made the pain dissipate, as well as help me feel calm.

Give it a try on your own or I made a recording for you below if you’d like to follow along. It’s about ten minutes worth of Ho’oponopono. Just think about a situation that you would like help with and then repeat:

I’m sorry.

Forgive me.

I love you.

Thank you.



Share in the comments how you’ve seen Ho’oponopono transform your life.