When you are manifesting you will often hear that it’s important to allow or vibrate on the frequency of the thing you are creating. How we get to that allowing place is by observing where we are not allowing. These are areas where we are blocking, have conflicting or limiting beliefs. Basically, any sort of resistance.

When we have resistance it can feel like you are putting all this energy into manifesting and focusing, but it’s just not happening.

Sometimes it’s hard to see where those areas are. They are blind spots. When we shine a light on those blind spots then we can start to chip away at what is blocking you from what you want.

Welcome to Step 5 in Carmen’s Guide to Manifesting Anything… Observe areas of resistance.

Any time you notice a little trigger, a charge, the slightest tension, those are clues that require investigating. One easy way to see resistance is through visualization. Sometimes the simple act of observing is enough to help you release the resistance. If you want to take the next step, after the visualization you can do this Tapping video to release resistance.


Visualization to Observe Resistance

(guided video below)

Close your eyes and imagine you are on a big beautiful stage. 

In the audience is your family, immediate and extended 

your friends,

 your colleagues, 

People you admire,

People who you are wanting to emulate,

Celebrities or public figures you like,

your peers, 

your boss, 

your neighbors, 

People you’ve disliked

People from high school

and if your manifestation is about attracting anyone specific- like potential clients, potential mate- include a bunch of them too. 

You are also in the audience, 

as is your version of your higher power, angels or any deities you might connect to. 

Now picture yourself on the stage in front of all these people, 

Start telling them what it is you want, what you are wanting to manifest. 

Look around at their faces

What do you notice about yourself? Your demeanor? Is there Any hesitation? 

Did anyone specific stand out? What were they doing?


YouTube video

Share in the comments what you observed!