Know Yourself Card Spread
April 5, 2020

Our blind spots are the door to what we are wanting. But how do we see it if it’s not visible to us? Pulling tarot or oracle cards can be a great help.

The Know Yourself Card Spread can help you see who you’ve been being, who you are meant to be, and what is blocking you from being your truest self.


the layout

  1. Who you’ve been: This card tells you about your past self.
  2. Who you are: This is you in the present moment, or recent present.
  3. Where you betray yourself most: This card will show you what you haven’t been doing that keeps you separate from who you really are.
  4. How to overcome the betrayal: This card shows you what you need to do/say/think in order to get past number 3.
  5. Who you are meant to be: This is the true you!
  6. What’s to come when you embody 5: This card shows what’s meant to be yours when you are in your full power.


your experience

As I am creating new content and exploring new business ventures I sometimes get stuck in the thought, “but I don’t know how.” When I think that thought I go into a loop. If I feel like I don’t know how, I then do research, as I go down the rabbit hole of research I learn about something new I should be doing instead, and then I go into the thought again, “but I don’t know how.” And then nothing gets accomplished and I feel bad about myself.

When I did this card layout and I saw card 3, I was like, “duh!” It helped me realize that this loop, while seeming very reasonable is actually my subconscious fear taking over. I took a picture of the spread so I could remind myself next time I get stuck in that loop.

Before you start this layout, ask your guides to show you what you need to know most. Share your insights in the comments. We can’t wait to hear about it!


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