Let Go and Let Love (visualization)

It’s been coming up for me recently that if I throw love at a situation, it seems to get better.

Yes, I realize I’m a walking cliché, but I’m ok with that.



dolphin theory

I once read that if you try to get close to wild dolphins, or try to get them to come to you, they won’t.  However, if you just relax and send them love, then they are more likely to come and play.  I believe this is a lesson for life.  It has been for my life anyway.

When I try to force a situation, or if I get upset about a specific event (longer than is appropriate), it has this tendency to replay in my head and continue to worsen.  Then I stress out more.  The cycle is mean and nasty and I’m convinced that love is the way out.  I’ve been doing this simple visualization throughout the day that seems to help:


let go and let love visualization

1.  Close your eyes

2.  In your mind’s eye, see the situation you are struggling with

(maybe it’s something you want really badly, something that’s not working, or someone that you have a hard time with)

3.  Now start to see your heart surrounded in pink (pink represents love)

4.  From that place in your heart send a beam of pink light to the situation

5.  Picture the situation surrounded in loving pink light

6.  Do this as long as it feels good

7.  When you’re done, just be done, let it go.



If you find yourself thinking (aka obsessing) about the situation again, just send it some love and let it go.


If you found this post meaningful or useful in any way, please share the things you’ve learned with someone you love.

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