Photo Courtesy of atomicshark on Flickr

I’ve been seeing gorgeous cherries are everywhere right now.  In addition to being darned tasty they have many health benefits.  You know I love to use food as medicine and  in Chinese medicine every food has different properties that can help or worsen certain conditions.

Here is what’s fabulous about cherries (and, no, drinking that cherry slushie doesn’t count!):

Overall Benefits
They combat free radicals, make your skin pretty and rejuvenate your whole body.

There is so much junk in our air and food, cherries are a good purifier and they can regenerate fluids.

Best of all, they are said to prolong life, so as long as you’re living well, that’s a great thing.

Supporting Healthy Digestion
Cherries support the healthy functioning of your kidneys and intestines. If you are constipated they can have a laxative and diuretic effect, but they can also stop diarrhea and dysentery.

I realize this might not be the most popular side effect, but they can help stimulate a low appetite. 

Good Source of Vitamins
Cherries are a great source of fiber, Vitamin A, C and potassium, which maintains healthy blood pressure. Cherries are also high in mineral content, phosphorus and flavanoids, which trigger enzymes that reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease.

Bonus for the Boys
Apparently cherries can help control premature ejaculation.  Don’t get too excited, eating too many can be problematic.

Don’t Overdo It!
Eating too many cherries will cause nausea, vomiting, skin lesions and cause a person to feel hot, which injures the bones and tendons.

Some Simple At Home Cherry Remedies
For burns: You can smash them and rub them topically to heal burns.

For enlarged thyroid or goiter: soak cherry pits in vinegar until they disintegrate, then apply locally.

For Hernias: Fry cherry pits with vinegar.  Then mash to powder.  Take 1 teaspoon per dose.

I know we have very few cases of the measles now-a-days, but just in case, it would be helpful to drink fresh warmed cherry juice.

Who knew these tiny little heart-shaped fruits could do so much?  Click here to find your local farmers market to get the best selection of cherries.  Hurry!  They are only in season through July.