Do you have something you are trying to manifest so hard and you wish you could amplify your manifestation?

The booster you’ve been looking for is in other people. When more than one person is working on the same manifestation, the power is not just doubled- it’s exponential.

Sometimes we want something so badly that we become attached. Being attached to an outcome delays it from happening. It creates a desperate frequency that pushes the wanted thing away. This is why manifesting with others is also helpful. They aren’t attached to your outcome.


Manifesting for Others

I had a friend once that really wanted a raise from $50,000 to $65,000. She had tried in the past but they said no repeatedly. Maybe getting a $2,500 raise was reasonable. In the industry we were in, $15,000 was an unheard of jump. So she asked me to work on it for her, so I did. Three weeks later, she got the raise!

It worked because I was indifferent. Sure I wanted her to get the raise but I wasn’t attached to the outcome like she was. This piece made all the difference.

It’s also a good exercise in practicing giving and receiving.



On Mondays I will create a post in the Forum called Manifest Request Mondays.

There you can add your request…. (i.e. I’m calling in 3 new clients). Be as specific as you want.

Pick someone else’s request to work on, give it a like if you are working on it.

You will “work” on their request with a short visualization. Start by taking a deep breath, and say the request- i.e. Jenna has 3 new perfect clients. Then see the request in your mind, see Jenna receiving 3 new clients. When you see it, expand on it somehow… like seeing Jenna super happy and a long line of clients out her door. When you’ve seen the amplified image surround it in a pink bubble and release it into the universe.


The only rule is if you make a request, then you amplify someone else’s request. You can amplify anyone’s request you like, it’s good practice for your own manifestation. Plus, you get what you give. Putting the energy out there of helping someone create their dreams will elevate your own frequency and support your dream further. It also helps us practice manifesting without attachment.


Please post any questions about this in the comments below.