Glowing Quartz

Ok, so I know that crystals are a little “woo woo” for some folks, but I absolutely love them. I always thought they were beautiful and then a couple of years ago a teacher showed me that they could actually be used for healing. This massively intrigued me. I mean, it made perfect sense really- they grow from the earth like plants so why wouldn’t we be able to use them in a similar way?

There is some science behind this- Piezoelectricity, which is energy or light that is released from mineral after compression and produces a release of electrons. The re-absorption of those electrons produces light or electricity. When you strike two pieces of quartz together in a totally dark room you can actually see sparks!

There is also something called Pyroelectricity, which is how we can use the crystals for healing purposes. Pyroelectricity basically means that crystals become activated by changes in temperature (like body heat). My teacher, Karen, has this info in a little more detail on her website Hands of Spirit .

I have been wanting to take a class that teaches how to use crystals and minerals for healing purposes for a long time. There was a class in LA, however, when it was time for me to register it was all booked up, so I took to the internet to see if I could find something else. I was very lucky to come across Taomchi, which lead me to the Hands of Spirit website. Karen Kuk-Nagle is one of the Founding Instructors of Melody’s Crystal Workshops.

Who is Melody? Well, I would say she’s THE crystal guru. Melody is a geologist who wrote what I and many other rockhounds consider to be the bible of crystal properties- “Love Is In The Earth”. She has written 6 books on the subject. She doesn’t teach anymore but she taught a group of people, the Founding Instructors, to continue the teachings. One of these Founding Instructors is Karen Kuk-Nagle, who I am now honored to say is one of my teachers.

I am lucky enough to have a wonderful (future) brother-in-law that lives in beautiful Colorado. He and his wife generously let me stay with them and borrow their fabulous car, which was really hard to say goodbye to, while I attended this seminar with Karen and her team.

Just a word about Colorado because I can’t stop thinking about it- I usually feel kind of claustrophobic if I’m not near the ocean but in Colorado I feel amazing! It’s just such a completely amazing place and I highly recommend you go visit sometime. It’s totally invigorating.

Karen’s house is nestled in the hills above Boulder, it’s stunning. The first morning I arrived there was a little red fox in the driveway, woodpeckers in the trees and just the most colorful birds everywhere. Along the walkway were huge pieces of rose quartz and many other stones. Then you remove your shoes and step into The Gallery. Oh, the Gallery. Filled with hundred of stones, jewelry and carvings- this place is better than Christmas morning for a rock geek such as myself. Straight ahead was a ginourmous Shiva Lingam, it must have been 2 feet tall. I learned that Shiva Lingam is said to balance male and female energy and be extremely grounding when we did a meditation with it. When held they bring an overall sense of calmness and well-being. This stone was a new discovery for me, so of course, I had to bring one home. I have to say I’ve been sleeping extremely well ever since I put it in my bedroom.

Shiva Lingam from Hands of Spirit Gallery

There were 12 people in our class, mostly women and one guy (lucky guy!). At first I wasn’t sure how “out there” this class was going to be. It just really wasn’t. Everyone was so down to earth and normal, it was a really great space to be in. Karen used to be a scientist so I really appreciated that she brings a scientific mind to this kind of work, it makes it feel more tangible. Her team, Bruce (her husband), Chris and Steff were all so amazing, incredibly supportive, kind and knowledgeable.

It was three full days of learning the basics of how to utilize the crystals and create the formations to fully help whoever we are working on. We learned how to be a guide. But the BEST part is that we all got treatments, too. I was really able to experience this work first hand. It seriously blew my mind! Some of the things we did had to do with eliminating self-limiting beliefs and neutralizing negativity. I really feel as though I grew through this process, I was able to let go of some things that I had been holding onto for a while. And best of all, it opened my eyes to some blind spots I had. Karen emphasized the importance of continuing our own self-growth. We can only take people so far as we’ve gone ourselves.

Overall, this is one of my favorite classes I have ever taken. I met a lot of wonderful people and learned so much about myself. Yes, admittedly I was a little sad about leaving the car behind , but I came back refreshed, confident and at peace.

I really love and trust that this work can do amazing things for people. If you are ready to check it out or still have questions about crystal healing in the Los Angeles area, you can contact me at

If you’re in the Colorado area and interested in taking the class or getting a crystal therapy treatment by Karen, contact Karen at

Glowing Quartz image courtesy of cobalt123