Do you feel like you’ve been into doing this manifesting thing but you’re missing a piece? You decided what you want, you’ve maybe made a vision board, and you focus on it, but it still feels a long way off. 


When I started learning about manifesting I thought that if you just really, really want something then it will come true. While that works some of the time, most of the time there are other pieces to the puzzle. 


What I learned was that you really need to align on various levels in order to make the magic happen. We are going to look at the pieces that need to get an alignment in order to manifest way faster.





If you are looking for a soulmate to share your life with but you have a belief that people always leave you, then you are sending a mixed message to the Universe.


Alternatively, If you are trying to lose weight but you have a box of Oreos in your pantry then you are sending a mixed message to the universe.


You can’t just sit on the couch watching Real Housewives while eating said Oreos and think that just because you made a vision board with your head on Beyonce’s body that you are going to manifest the body of your dreams.


Having the vision is just one piece of the puzzle. You need to have the vision and then the thoughts, emotions, and actions that align with that vision.






You can’t be thinking I look terrible when you were wanting to channel your inner Beyoncé. You can’t have mean hateful thoughts about your body and simultaneously create a body that you love. Your thoughts need to line up with the vision of the body you love.


You can’t have the thought I don’t feel like working and expect to build a successful business. 


Having a desire to be in a relationship but you say you hate humans, well guess what, no one is going to want to hang out with you when that’s your mixed messaging.




When you think about having your version of Beyoncé’s body what emotion do you think you would feel? 


Maybe it’s confident, or sassy. 


Whatever the emotion is, you need to practice feeling that emotion now. Feeling that emotion in the present moment is part of what helps you create your future body. 


You can’t create that future body or the experience of feeling confident when you feel insecure and are hiding out.



When you get your thoughts and emotions in order it becomes easier to get your actions aligned. 


If you are wanting to create an Beyoncé body what actions do you need to take? 


You probably need to reevaluate what’s in your fridge and you likely need to move your body or something like that. Maybe the action you take is putting yourself out there more frequently. Being a little bit bolder might be what you need.


Sending mixed messages to the universe about what you want is a way of blocking your dream from coming true. Knowing that you need to align your vision with your thoughts emotions and actions, will help you see where you were blocking so that you can unblock. This is how you create vibrational alignment and start creating everything you could possibly want.


If you want to see where your thoughts, emotions, and actions either lineup or don’t line up with your vision, I’ve made a worksheet for you. 

You can download it here.