New Moon in Capricorn Ceremony
January 2, 2022


Welcome! New moon in Capricorn. This is the reset we’ve been waiting for! Take this time to create a very clear vision and make a plan for the year. Do all your card pulls, vision boards, business plans, schedules- all of it. We are about to start another mercury retrograde so take your time, don’t rush. Be disciplined and get grounded! 
YouTube video

let’s begin our journey…

light candle

The intention is to create sacred space, and call in the light.

casual coven blessing
We open this circle with gratitude. Thank you guides, angels, ascended masters, ancestors, and all higher beings of consciousness for blessing us with your divine presence. As we celebrate and utilize the energy of this full/new moon, we connect and honor the cycles of nature. We call in Archangel Michael to protect our space and our energy. We align with Goddess energy, connecting to the women who’ve come before us and the ones who will come after. We are so grateful to be a part of this lineage of powerful women. We ask that the magic we cast be amplified by each other, knowing that each of us is infinitely powerful and we choose to use this power for the highest good of all. Let us remember our truth, our wisdom, and our divine nature. May we all receive miracles and blessings beyond our wildest dreams. And so it is. -The Casual Coven
writing prompt
New moon is time for intention creating. Write everything you want to call in. Write for 5-7 minutes.
a moment of meditation
Ground to heart of Mother Earth
expressing gratitude
Thank you thank you thank you Universe for being with us, guiding us, holding us, loving us, healing us, conspiring with us. Wherever love is present, fear is a stranger. Love is here. We are eternally grateful. And so it is.

Blow out your candle as a way to show that this circle is closed and our ceremony is complete.

thank you for being here!  

If you do plant your intentions, take a photo and tag me on Instagram or share it on our Slack channel.

upcoming moon ceremonies