(video at bottom)

  • Welcome!
  • This new moon, along with all the energies going on, is about creating balance, beauty and justice. We share the beautiful things we brought tonight.
  • LIGHTING your candle- bringing light, opening the circle, showing this is sacred space.

We open this circle with gratitude.

We ask our guides, angels, ascended masters, ancestors, and all higher beings of consciousness to bless us with their divine presence. 

As we celebrate and utilize this energy of the full/new moon, we connect and honor the cycles of nature

We call in Archangel Michael to protect our space and our energy. 

We ask to connect to Goddess energy, to connect to the women who’ve come before us and the ones who will come after. We are so grateful to be a part of this lineage of powerful women. 

We ask that the magic we cast be amplified by each other, knowing that each of us is infinitely powerful and we choose to use this power for the highest good of all. 

Let us remember our truth, our wisdom, and our divine nature. 

May we all receive miracles and blessings beyond our wildest dreams. 

And so it is. 

  • MEDITATION for balance and harmony

Thank you Universe for being with us, guiding us, holding us. We are grateful for the magic you bring.

  • Upcoming Events:

10/22 – Crystals 101 workshop @ 5:00pm

10/30 – Full moon ceremony

10/31 – Full moon in Taurus (Blue moon!)

I’m also leading Yoga Nidra and Tapping classes weekly on Lively. 

Tag me on Insta. 


YouTube video