May is the month of prosperity and power. This is a great time to add prosperity items to your current altar or make a prosperity altar. You could certainly create this or any type of altar at any time you wish, but the month of May will give it an extra oomph.

You would make a prosperity altar to attract prosperity, wealth, finances, streams of money and abundance. It’s a way of creating an intention and bringing that intention to life with physical representations of prosperity and abundance.

The Best Placement for Your Altar


The best placement for your altar would be to use Feng Shui and add it to your southeast corner of your home (you can easily find a compass app for your phone), or the corner furthest back and to the left from the front door.

All you need to create an altar is the intention that this little area is a sacred space, it doesn’t have to be fancy or elaborate. Then add things that represent wealth and abundance. You can choose anything that connects personally to those ideas for you or choose things from the list below. The key is that the intention is to attract prosperity.


Ideas For Your Altar


Crystals: citrine, quartz, pyrite, emerald, jade, green aventurine, moss agate. Pointed citrine and cluster quartz are extra great

Smoke: Palo Santo, sage, copal

Water: a little bowl of water, or in Feng Shui you would use running water, like a fountain

Movement:  If you’ve seen those Lucky Cats that move, this would be a great addition here. But basically anything that has movement would work. Because money is energy, you want that energy to keep flowing, in and out. So add something with movement to keep that energy circulating.

Greenery/Herbs:  Basil, Cinnamon (can use actual pieces, or essential oils drops in the water bowl), the color green

Money:  real money, coins

Red:  the color red is for wealth, abundance, luck and power

Statue:  Lakshmi or any other deity associated with money, abundance

Fire:  any representation of fire like colors or candles – red, gold

Numbers: the number 8 represents wealth. You can draw the number on a piece of paper and add it, or use something from above 8 times (e.g. 8 pennies).


Do A Blessing For Your Altar


Think about what you want to feel, what do you believe that having additional funds will give you? Security, freedom, relief, generosity? Whatever the emotions are for you, write them down and place them on your altar. Practice feeling those feelings every day.

1. Light your smoke to clear the space

2. Set your intention (e.g. I am abundance)

3. Light the candle

4. Say a blessing, like:

“Thank you universe and angels for bringing me everything I need and more. It is with deep gratitude that I accept all the abundance the universe has to offer. I lovingly release any blocks and thank you for exposing them. Thank you for helping me practice feeling security, freedom, relief, and generosity. I bless and amplify this altar to attract money from current sources and new and surprising sources knowing that this can come to me with complete ease. I need not do anything but receive. Thank you thank you thank you. And so it is.”

5. Let yourself feel the energy of the emotions you declared. Feel energy flowing to you and from you.


If you have a prosperity candle in glass, you can leave it lit (safely) until it goes out on it’s own. Or if you are going to put your candle out, please use a snuffer.


Alternative Altar


If a full on altar is not what you are wanting to do right now, you could do something super simple like add the color red, or 8 pennies to the SE area of your home. I keep 8 pennies on my SE windowsill, which I placed with intention. So simple, still effective.


What’s on your altar? Share in the comments below.