How to Use Red for Unconditional Power
August 16, 2020

Power can be used for forces of good or evil. Either way power is about the ability to do something. When we have thoughts like, “I can’t do that,” or “they won’t let me,” it’s an indicator that we have lost our sense of power. Getting your power back means regaining your ability to do whatever you want. Being in your power means feeling strong enough and having the will to do what you want, when you want. This doesn’t have to be in an angry or aggressive way. It’s really about having the freedom to be, do, and say anything, free from constraint. Red is the color of unconditional power and you can use it to help you stay in that powerful feeling.


It’s no accident that red evokes images of desire, sex, passion, and anger. Red is a bold color and using it can help you get back into your power. Incorporating red into your daily life will help you reclaim that sexy bad-ass that has been waiting to be unleashed.

I spent much of my life disliking the color red. When I was in Chinese Medical school I learned that having an aversion to a specific color can indicate an imbalance in that energetic system. I hated red because I felt powerless. As I started to feel empowered I started liking red again.

how to use red in daily life

1. WEAR RED: Add red to your clothing, lipstick, accessories, hair.

2. EAT RED: Foods like strawberries, red chard, bell peppers, tomatoes. On occasion you might notice that you are craving a red (or spicy) food and this can be an indication that you are needing power, passion, or excitement.

3. CRYSTALS: Red jasper, carnelian, red aventurine, red tiger’s eye.

4. ACCESSORIZE: Bring red things into your home like flowers, furniture, pillows, blankets.

5. LIGHTING: Get a red lightbulb and soak it in.

6. VISUALIZE: Picture yourself in a skin tight red superhero outfit as you stand in your best power pose for 3 minutes.

Try one of these recommendations every day for a week and you will notice that you start to feel more empowered. Let me know in the comments your favorite way to incorporate red into your daily life.


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