How to Use Your Solar Plexus to Get Back Into Your Power (audio meditation)

(Scroll to bottom for quick 5 minute reset)

The world doesn’t doesn’t always follow our rules for living. Even though they clearly should! If how we feel is dependent on the external world being a certain way then we have given our power away.

True, authentic power comes from knowing that how you feel is up to you. You are in control and you have choice.

My husband, Phil, is a moody creative type. When he was in a grumpy mood, it would alter my mood. I would get annoyed that he was acting like that. Then I would poke, “why do you have get so mad?” “Can’t you just get over it?”. This would (obviously) often result in some sort of stupid fight that became a pattern over time.

It was chipping away at our relationship.

It was during a Mercury Retrograde where the pattern emerged once again and then it hit me, I was behaving the exact way that I was critical of… moody over something stupid for way too long. Not to mention, I wasn’t being supportive or giving him room to just be where he was at. Ugh. Thanks, Mercury!

When my mood was dependent on how he was feeling. I believed that I wouldn’t be ok until he was. I was giving my power away.

your solar plexus chakra

Your Solar Plexus is the third chakra, also known as Manipura. This chakra is found where the two sides of your ribcage meet in the middle. The Solar Plexus is known as the “power center.” It’s where our self-esteem and confidence are. When this chakra is out of balance we can become passive or controlling as a way to try and regain our power. These never work because that’s not where true power comes from.

True power comes from a belief that you are whole. When you act from wholeness you don’t need anything from anyone. You act according to your own will.

quick facts about your solar plexus

  • Corresponding color: Yellow
  • Physical: Related to digestion. Imbalance in Solar Plexus can create problems with weight and digestion.
  • Emotional: Judgments and opinions of ourself and others. Self-esteem. Power issues.
  • Imbalanced chakra: Can present as addiction to caffeine, beer, sugar, alcohol, perfectionism, being over-critical. Passive, controlling.
  • Mantra: Ram
  • Crystals that heal: Pyrite, citrine, tiger’s eye, amber. Anything golden or yellow.

5 Minute Solar Plexus Meditation to Call Back Your Power


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