
I walked down the street to the Atrium building in the Palisades, a place I had considered for my own office space. The place I looked at years before was the exact one where Dan’s office is!

Synchronicity told me this was going to be good.

This was no surprise considering how I met Dan. People had told me about him over and over throughout the years, “Do you know Dan Beinenfeld? You guys have to meet.”

One day I was at Neil’s office and I saw a necklace. A necklace I had to have and hold immediately.

I said how much I loved it and then I noticed it was attached to a human. He had the best smile and noticeably outstanding posture. We started chatting.

It was Dan Bienenfeld.

He had me hold the necklace and I instantly felt grounded. Like my feet had roots that stretched to the middle of the earth. He creates them and you definitely need to get one.

I want twenty.



I knew I needed to see him immediately.

I was outside his office waiting and filling out paperwork in a comfy leather chair. His office is light and comfortable. It’s one room with the squishiest bed that you just sink into.

I wasn’t very familiar with Hellerwork at all. It’s a manipulation of the body to gain balance and realignment. It’s a style of Rolfing. What’s different about Hellerwork is that it releases the energy of emotions we store in our body. Dan and I believe that you can’t heal something without healing the emotional aspects as well.

You might consider Hellerwork if you have poor posture, any physical pain, especially if you carry stress in your body (trust me, you do). Even if you feel like you just need some sort of tune up and balancing, this would be great.

I was fascinated that he could find a specific area in my body and I would have an image or thought and an an emotional release right away. And he knew there was something stuck there.

He pressed one area near my shoulder and he asked what emotion I felt, sadness washed over me and tears came up. I saw an image of my Dad. I know I have sadness about my father but it’s not something I think about on a regular basis.

My shoulders were much more relaxed after that.

This felt soooo good.

When I left my posture was better. I may have even grown an inch which at five feet even I’ll take what I can get.

I also felt lighter and clearer. I definitely released some deep stuff. I felt very present in my body.

Dan Bienenfeld is a special human. His smile says it all.

