Welcome to The Casual Coven!

I am so grateful for your presence in our magical community. You will find everything you need to create your dream life here. You can participate as much or as little as you want… it is “casual” after all.

Always listen to your inner guidance above all else.

I think the first thing that is most important is for you decide that you belong here. You do! This is now your community and we welcome you with open arms.

That said…

This section contains a lot of information so take your time with it, and reference back to it later until you get your bearings.

The best way to start is to come on over to Slack and post something you’re grateful for in #gratitude and introduce yourself in #general.

The backbone of The Casual Coven is radical self-care. If you want to assess your own self-care and start creating a structure that works for you and supports you, start here.


To get the most out of your membership…



Every week I will send you an email called, “Set the Tone Sunday | Your Weekly Intentions.”

This email will help you set your intentions for the week. It will also offer you other opportunities to practice your magic by seeing what’s going on in our community.

Replies to that email come directly to me, so if you want to communicate with me, that is a great way to do it.



For upcoming new moons, full moons, season changes, workshops, and Mercury Retrograde check out the Cosmic Calendar. The Cosmic Calendar is where you will find dates and Zoom links for all gatherings.



We come together for new and full moon ceremonies. In the event I take one or two off a year, I’ll pre-record a ceremony you can do on your own. Moon ceremonies are about 45 minutes and happen on the weeknight closest to the peak of the moon cycle at 8:30pm PST.

Here you’ll find the Basics of New Moon and Full Moon Ceremonies.

I’ll email you a reminder when the New and Full moon are 48 hours away. In that email I will include a link to a live or pre-recorded ceremony sometime within that time frame.

If you can’t join the livestream, that’s ok! I will post a replay of it on the home page. You can also click on the Moon Ceremonies category to access the archive, there are so many great meditations in these ceremonies, I recommend checking them out.



Once a month we come together for Coach and Clear, which is a live meeting on Zoom. Here I will offer coaching to any challenges you might be facing. I also offer energy clearing to help you, and the group clear blocks and get back into alignment. These meetings are so lovely, it’s amazing how there is always a theme and we all get healing from seeing others breakthroughs. You can find the dates for this in the Cosmic Calendar. The audio of this meeting is recorded so members can go back and do the clearings.



Workshops happen several times throughout the year. If you can’t attend live, there is always a replay which you can find in the courses/workshops section.

Topics have included Crystals 101, Cards 101, Spell Jars, Manifesting 101. If there is something you want to dive deeper about, let me know! I’m always adding to this.



(I am currently building this, it’s coming soon!) Your Dashboard is your home base to this website. Here you will find easy access to your account, the Cosmic Calendar, Slack. This is where the Library lives.



The Library is your resource for anything you are interested in related to your spirituality, self-care, and mental health. If there is something you’re curious about and don’t see it on there, let me know. I can always point you in a direction or create a resource. Every article has a little button you can click to make it “your favorite.” You can access your favorites in your dashboard. That way if there is a particular meditation or something you want to have quick access to, you can do that.


My mission is that you explore and find practices and tools that you love, and work well in your life. I am constantly adding to the library, so if there is anything you’re curious about that you’d like me to add just let me know.


To connect with your peeps, gain inspiration or share some, go to the Slack channel where you’ll find topics for conversation like stories of synchronicities and signs, our monthly Gratitude Challenge, and a place to practice forgiveness.



Slack is an app you download to your phone. You can also access the site from your desktop. You will be automatically added to the Slack channel (check your email for an invitation), so be sure to download the app.

This is where the community hangs out. The daily practices we do in Slack rewire your brain for success and help you see the magic all around you.

Incorporating these daily practices are simple but they are game changers. I recommend trying it for at least 30 days.

Adjust the notifications so they work for you. I like having my notifications on because it’s my reminder to post in #gratitude.



On Mondays we do Manifest Requests Mondays (MRM). If you have something you are wanting to call into your life, post it in the Slack channel for your fellow Covenites to support and amplify your manifestation. And really you can post your MRM whenever you want, but doing it on Mondays helps you declare your focus for the week.



Gratitude is scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety. The practice raises our vibration. When we are in a state of gratitude more of what we want comes to us. I recommend you start here with a daily practice.



Forgiveness is a way to make room in your life. When we are carrying around grudges and judgments it creates the energy of resistance. Resistance blocks the things we want. Forgiveness is something you do for yourself to clear space for all the things you want.



Magic is all around us! The Universe is constantly communicating with us if we are willing to listen. Signs and synchronicities show us we are supported and on the right path. Sharing signs and synchronicities with others helps elevate all of us. When we can see the magic in other people’s lives, we start to see the magic in our own. The more connected we feel. If you are unsure about signs, you can read this. I believe there are no coincidences.



Any questions for the group, posting something you want to share, asking or sharing a good recommendation.



This channel is just for fun. Everyone in this group has amazing taste and are curious about the most interesting things. I am always looking for something new to read, watch, or listen to. Doesn’t matter if it’s frivolous (helllooo… I’m a huge Real Housewives fan) or deep, if you’re into it, I’m sure someone will be grateful you shared it.


Things to Remember


This is an exclusive members only club, so please make sure you are logged in in order to see the content that is hidden to the rest of the world. Also, keep your login and password somewhere easily accessible 🙂


The Casual Coven is a supportive, open, inclusive, non-judgmental community. We are committed to treating each other with respect and kindness. Love is our number one intention. Please act accordingly.


This is an evolving labour of love so if you ever have any ideas or feedback on how I can make this a better experience for you please don’t hesitate to let me know. And if you love our club as much as I do, please share it with your spirit seeking friends.

Take a moment soon to hop on over to Slack to start your #gratitude practice and introduce yourself in #general.


Sent with Magic and Love,

Carmen xo


Quicklinks to Everything:


Dashboard – Your home base. Here you will find links to everything, including the Library of magical tools

Slack – Topics for conversation, Manifest Request Monday, Gratitude Challenge, Forgiveness, Signs and Synchronicities

Cosmic Calendar – Upcoming dates for Moon Ceremonies, Season Changes, Coach and Clear, and Workshops.

New Moon Ceremony Basics – new moon low down

Full Moon Ceremony Basics – full moon low down