Summer solstice is the longest day of the year. This is where the transition happens towards the shortest day of the year, winter solstice. This is a peak time, similar to the full moon, so there is a lot of active masculine energy here. If you want to flow with the seasons there are simple things you can do to honor these times of year.


Summer is about enjoying the fruits of the seeds we planted in the spring. Think of that feeling you had as a kid when school was done for the year. It’s about freedom, fun, and pure joy. This helps us prepare for the next season. So, yes, having fun is necessary for your well-being.


Simple Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice


  • Spend time with friends and family, this is a time for connection
  • Spend time in nature
  • Bring nature inside with fresh flowers, or crystals
  • Bees and honey: incorporate images of bees, or make honey desserts
  • warm colors
  • iced tea (with honey perhaps)
  • flowers
  • sunshine and sun symbols
  • fire
  • focus on personal growth
  • BBQ, celebrate
  • Make an altar with some of these items on it

Do A Summer Solstice Blessing


The simplest thing you can do is to do a blessing while standing in the sun. Use the compass on your phone to face South if you can. I love the blessing from The Book of Blessings and Rituals by Athena Perrakis, Ph.D.

Just to clarify some of the terms she uses… “Litha” is a celebration of the summer solstice and “fae” means fairies.


I come to this day of solstice as a seeker, watching the sun return to its seat of power, signaling summer’s start.

This season of fertility and growth promises rich reward.

At Litha, a portal opens, the wheel turns south, as divine light shines on the longest day of the year. 

I release myself into the light and I channel the divine masculine within.

Great Spirit, I ask you to show me the realms where the fae run free, my ancestors reign, and my deepest wisdom resides.

Here my branches stretch skyward, free to grow tall and strong, and here my soul finds freedom to express itself fully.

I activate my Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras, my deepest sources of human power and latent potential.

May the last flames of Litha’s sun shine brightly on me, and unleash my sacred potential in abundant ways.

Amen, A’ho, So it is


Share in the comments how you honor and celebrate the Summer Solstice.