Summer Solstice Workshop
June 18, 2021
YouTube video


We are coming together today to celebrate this longest day of the year. This is an opportunity to welcome sun energy into our lives- that bright, warmth, energetic, joyful energy.

We spend a lot of time connecting with the moon, it feels nice to balance it out and soak up the sunshine. We need this balance as we all hold all parts of the divine feminine and divine masculine within us.

This is a time for community, fun, and action. You can incorporate this energy by being in the sunshine, being colorful, eating fresh summer fruit, using honey – maybe bake a honey cake. Incorporating flowers into your life.

Today we will be taking an intentional bath.
We use water to cleanse things. So We can use this as a spiritual cleansing as well. You can do this any time as a releasing or replenishing ritual. Today we will be incorporating a few items to make it both a cleansing and replenishing ritual. We are adding the suns energy and those beautiful summer flowers to this bath.

Hopefully your bath is full!

Summer Solstice Blessing

I come to this day of solstice as a seeker, watching the sun return to its seat of power, signaling summer’s start. This season of fertility and growth promises rich reward. At Solstice and portal opens, the wheel turns south, as divine light shines on the longest day of the year. I release myself into the light and I channel the divine masculine within. Great Spirit, I ask you to show me the realms where the fae run free, my ancestors reign, and my deepest wisdom resides. Here my branches stretch skyward, free to grow tall and strong. And here my soul finds freedom to express itself fully. I activate my Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras, my deepest sources of human power and latent potential. May the last flames of the solstice’s sun shine brightly on me, and unleash my sacred potential in abundance ways. And so it is.

make your bath

  1. Make sure your bath is full and a good temperature. As you add each element thing about your intention for that thing.
  2. Add salt for purifying
  3. Essential oil- I’m using ylang ylang because I love it and it’s for balance.
  4. Quartz/citrine -Quartz to amplify. Citrine for the energy of the sun, joy, abundance.
  5. Flower essence water- Add it now. You can take a sip of it if you’d like, too.
  6. Fresh flowers
  7. Get in! (Cameras off if you’d like)
  8. We’ll be doing an affirmation meditation.

affirmation meditation

Get comfortable. Listen, or repeat these words in your mind or out loud, whatever feels good to you.

I am loving
I am surrounded by love
I am loved
I am valued
I am worthy
I am joyful
I am abundant
I am a miracle
I am a pleasure to be with
I am chosen
I am divine
I am peaceful
I accept myself
I am in the most perfect place for me
I am perfect exactly as I am & exactly as I’m not.
I am enough
I am whole
I am growing
I am evolving
I am my best self

I am beautiful
I am following my intuition and divine guidance
I am fully expressing myself in powerful ways
I am irresistible
I am energetic
I am motivated
I take care of my needs
I set boundaries and honor them
I respect myself and others
I am doing my best
I am capable of achieving my goals
I nourish my mind, body, and soul
I honor myself at all times
I listen to my body
I approve of myself
I express myself clearly, openly & with open heart
I speak kindly to myself and about myself
I am limitless
I am confident
I am unique
I am grace

I am powerful
I am contributing to the world
I am full of gifts which I generously share
I am blessed
I am creative
I am flowing with ease
I am proud of myself
I am radiant
I am cherished
I am compassionate with myself and others
I am in control of my mind
I trust myself
I am light
I am shiny
I am full of joy and gratitude
I live a life filled with pleasure and fun
I am healed
I am infinite potential
I am whole
I am complete

Thank you for joining me today to celebrate the changing of the season!