I’ve been reading a lot about vibrational alignment lately.  At first, I was like what does that even mean?? And secondly, how do I be in vibrational alignment all the time when life won’t take a time out?  If I were sitting on a mountaintop retreat, no problem but, I’m juggling a lot on my plate, like everyone else.  So, in this modern day life, how do I stay in that space?

As I kind of sat with it more and more, I realized that life works really well when I’m there.  Vibrational alignment is not just some New Age jargon.  I think what it actually means is when I feel most like myself,  I’m simultaneously grounded and inspired.  I’m completely connected to who I really am.  I’m “in the zone”.

I think we all might think that being “in the zone” is something that randomly happens to us.  I actually believe that it is a state of being that we can learn to create at will.  And as with any muscle, it needs to be exercised.  The more you do it, the more natural it feels to be in that space.  And best of all, you will start to recognize when you’re NOT in that space and know that it’s time to align yourself once again.

I learned this little exercise from my Crystal Workshop and have modified it slightly in a way that worked best for me.  So, here is what I have been doing regularly and it seems to work brilliantly.  My life has truly been flowing since I’ve been doing this.

-Stand, sit, lay comfortably (or any position that feels good to you)

-Take a few breaths as you focus on your lower Dan Tien*, with either your hand there or a crystal**

-Visualize a cord that falls from the universe, the cord is connected to Source energy

-Now picture that cord coming down and connecting with your Higher Self.  The cord is not pulling you anywhere, it is simply helping you align with Source.

-Imagine it now connects to your Conscious Self

-And now down to your Inner Self

-Visualize that it comes out and roots itself deep into the Earth

-Take a few more breaths, stay there as long as you’d like, feeling yourself being aligned with who-you-really-are.

*Your lower Dan Tien is a term we use in Chinese medicine that describes the area about 2 inches below your navel.  It is the same location as the Sacral/Second Chakra and is also the home of your Inner (subconscious) Self.

**You can use any crystal you like.  I recommend using a Faden (fah-den) Quartz because they naturally have a thread running through them and are used to make connections.  Make sure that the “thread” runs parallel to your spine as you hold it.